Last week I traveled to Castelldefels, nearby Barcelona, for the last tourstopp of the Kitesurf Tour Europe. I arrived one day too early for training. But there was no wind at all and it was raining and cold. So... no trainings session before the event.
On Thursday the event started with very strong winds, so the Event director decided to start with the freestyle competition. There were also two races for the men's fleets, but there was not enough daylight anymore for us girls.
So it was clear, Day 2 should begin with the womens fleet. The problem... the wind was really light, almost onshore and it was wavy. Because of that only Steph Bridge and me were able to go out and the race commitee decided to start with a men fleet. The wind picked up a little bit and so there were run three races, which Steph Bridge won and I finished as second. It was a quite hard battle between us on the water, but this time Steph was better than me.
On Saturday and Sunday the wind didn't come at all and everyone chilled at the beach.
At the end I finished second place for the Kitesurf Tour Europe Tourstopp in Spain. I'm really satisfied with that ranking. In the last month a had some injuries and were not able to train.
This tourstopp was the last KTE-event of the year, because of that the Tourchampions were crowned. And I was also on the podium... in first position! I'm so happy. It's a great feeling when you reach your goal. And after my second place last year, to became Tourchampion of KTE this year was my goal. :)
This was probably my last event this year. I started now with my Masterthesis, which will last for six months. But for sure... I can't stay away from matter if it is liquid or frozen. ;)
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